Earn2Earn - Make money with Liberty Reserve

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Earning $1000 is not as hard as you think, you need only 3 simple steps.

Earning $1000 is not as hard as you think, you need only 3 simple steps.

Step 1

Pay your #1 user from the list below with $1 of Liberty Reserve. Make sure you click 'Return to Merchant' to fill our form. After your payment, you will be redirected to registration page.

Step 2

Fill the registration form with your username, email and Liberty Reserve. You will be added to the list on the 5th position and the current user on 5th position will be moved one level up.

Step 3

You'll get your URL. Promote this URL everywhere to get as much downline as you can.

There is no admin interference in this program.
100% fair play guaranteed.

How much can you earn?
As much as you can. The sky is the limit here… These are a little calculations on how much you’ll earn with number of downlines at each level
4 downlines, you’ll earn $1,024
5 downlines, you’ll earn $3,125
6 downlines, you’ll earn $7,776
8 downlines, you’ll earn $32,768

10 downlines, you’ll earn $100,000

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Cara Membedakan Bisnis Yang Benar Dan Scam/Penipuan Di Internet!

Saya sering ditanya, bagaimana cara membedakan bisnis online yang benar dan yang hanya sekedar scam atau bohong di Internet.
Saya yakin anda setuju dengan saya, ada banyak sekali bisnis online yang menjanjikan penghasilan milyaran rupiah, jutaan dalam seminggu dlsbnya.
Mungkin anda pernah membeli atau ikut serta di dalamnya? :) maksud saya anda salah memilih, Nah saya sering dulu. Sekarang tidak lagi.
Lalu bagaimana cara saya melihat, bahwa ini bisnis benar dan yang ini tidak?
1. Lihat apakah websitenya di desain secara profesional.
Walau tidak jaminan, namun website yang profesional, bersih, rapi, warnanya macthing, agak lebih kecil kemungkinan bahwa mereka akan scam. Karena membuat website yang profesional jelas lebih mahal daripada website sekedarnya.
Namun, itu saja tidak cukup.
2. Lihat, apakah ada alamat lengkap beserta no telepon dari pemilik atau kantor cabang.
Alamat yang lengkap lebih kuat dibandingkan hanya sekedar nama saja. Namun, itu saja tidak cukup.
untuk  ngecek nya anda bisa cek di sini http://www.scamadviser.com dan masukan alamt url  yang mau di cek kebenaran nya nanti akan muncul semua informasi tentang web tersebut.
3. Baca mengenai testimonial yang diberikan, apakah kelihatan benar-benar nyata.
Cara paling aman membeli sesuatu adalah dengan melihat testimonial yang diberikan oleh pemakai sebelumnya. Namun, itu saja tidak cukup. :)
4. Lihat pencapaian yang dicapai oleh orang atau perusahaan tersebut.
Biasanya website-website memberikan pencapaian apa yang ia sudah dapatkan disana, dari sana kita bisa merasakan kredibilitasnya.
5. Pikirkan dengan logika anda, jangan cuma emosi.
Mungkinkah menghasilkan uang sebanyak itu dalam waktu sesingkat itu? tanyakan ke teman-saudara yang sudah menjalankan online lebih lama. Lakukan pencarian di search engine dengan kata kunci: “Nama program review”, misalnya jika anda ingin ikut PT ABC, maka masukkan: “pt abc review” siapa tahu ada orang yang kecewa ataupun puas yang melakukan review.
6. Jika terjadi kesalahan memilih, jadikan pelajaran berharga.
Tidak ada yang sempurna. Saya pernah berkali-kali salah memilih. Siapapun pernah. Jadikan sebagai pelajaran. Semakin sering gagal, anda akan semakin pandai. Namun kalau anda melakukan tips diatas, mungkin anda lebih sering berhasilnya memilih program/bisnis/produk yang bagus.

Semoga Bermanfaat,

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Bullish Trade 3 to 5% Daily profit up to 40 days

Official partner in FOREX Trading of Liberty Reserve launched new FOREX Trading Affiliate Program. You can earn 3 to 5% Daily profit up to 40 days with principal amount return + Affiliate Commission + Binary Income.
For more than 5 years, Bullish Trade has been a leader in Forex Investment though Liberty Reserve. A leader in technology, a leader in customer service and a leader in value. We started new online Forex investment. And successfully growing day by day.


BULLISHTRADE sudah 5 tahun beroperasional

Apakah Anda benar-benar yakin bahwa Anda melakukan segala kemungkinan untuk mencapai kebebasan finansial Anda sehingga Anda dapat mengikuti hidup Anda mimpi dan tujuan? Jika Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa saran di mana untuk memulai dan bagaimana untuk mendapatkan momentum, Anda tidak sendirian. Tidak semua orang memiliki pengetahuan yang terperinci dari pasar keuangan dan bagi banyak orang pilihan terbaik adalah bekerja sama dengan penyedia jasa keuangan seperti BullishTrade, yang mendapatkan keahlian yang dibutuhkan dan karena itu dapat menyediakan produk keuangan dalam bentuk rekening pendapatan tetap dikelola. Kami menawarkan rencana investasi berikut:

Perusahaan akan Pengembalian prinsip pada akhir kontrak. Artinya, Anda menerima dasar keuntungan harian dan kembali modal setelah kontrak  selesai 
CATATAN: Penawaran Permanen, Per ini menawarkan Trader yang ingin menyimpan lebih dari $ 30.000 (Lanjutan Pack) langsung dari Liberty Reserve akan berhak menerima Bonus tambahan 10% untuk nya / Saldo Akun nya.
perhitungan profits yang kita dapat jika kita investasi di BULLISHTRADER

Harian keuntungan 3%

    Minimum Deposit USD 25 

    Maksimum Deposit 499 USD 

    Laba 40 hari 
    Jumlah total pengembalian 220% 
    Afiliasi Komisi 10% 
    Komisi Binary 10% 

Harian keuntungan 4%
    Minimum Deposit 500 USD 
    Maksimum Deposit 4999 USD 
    Laba40 hari 
    Jumlah total pengembalian 260% 
    Afiliasi Komisi 10% 
    Komisi Binary 10% 

Harian keuntungan 5%
    Minimum Deposit USD 5000 
    Max Dep Diatas 5000 USD 
    Laba40 hari 
    Jumlah kembali 300% 
    Afiliasi Komisi 10% 
    Komisi Binary 10% 

bukti bahwa BULLISHTRADER membayar


Memamfaatkan Layanan Ping Blog Gratis

Di dalam teknik SEO (Search Engine Optimization), melakukan ping blog atau ping situs merupakan satu hal yang harus dilakukan supaya mesin pencari (Search Engine) mengetahui update yang sudah kita lakukan terhadap blog kita sehingga mesin pencari tersebut dapat menampilkannya di dalam Search Result (Hasil Pencarian). Jadi, apa kegunaan dari ping ini? Layanan Ping atau Ping Service digunakan untuk memberitahu mesin pencari dan direktori web bahwa blog kita telah diperbarui.

Dengan melakukan Ping Blog, traffic atau lalu lintas yang mengarah ke situs/blog kita akan tinggi karena pada dasarnya ping akan mendorong XML-RPC yang berbasis mekanisme untuk memberitahu server tentang konten baru-baru ini yang telah diperbarui.

Berikut ini daftar Situs atau Website yang menyediakan Ping Service (layanan ping) secara gratis beserta deskripsi dari masing-masing situs/Web tersebut:

  1. Pingler : Use Pingler.com to Ping your Blogs and Websites in the best way possible!
  2. Ping O Matic : Updates multiple services and search engines about updates to weblog content, with a single ping.
  3. Google Blog Search Ping Service : If your blog is not listed in our results, we want to hear about it. Enter your blog's web or feed address below and we'll do our best to add it to our index as quickly as possible.
  4. Google Ping : Ping Google and other search engines free of charge.  Quick easy submissions and no registration required. Use our service as often as you like every time you update your website or blog.
  5. Ping.in : Ping.IN is a blog ping service that pings or notifies Weblog Services such as Blog Search Engines and blog directories that your blog has been updated. Thus enabling them to index your blog fast and make your content available for a larger audience.
  6. Pingoat : Pingoat is a service that pings or notifies a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publish them. By pinging, you let the services know that your blog has been updated and hence, they crawl and index your site, publishing your blog contents, thus increasing your blog's popularity.
  7. Blo.gs : Maintain your own weblog which doesn't already ping this site? ping the site manually here.
  8. Ping FeedBurner : Ping FeedBurner using this form and we'll update your feed immediately, instead of on our automatic 30 minute interval.
  9. Pingates : Ping your blog or website to 40+ search engines and services that keep track of blogs/sites and publish them. By pinging, you let the services know that your blog or site has been updated and hence, they crawl your site to find the changes.
  10. Blog Ping Tool : Notify search engines, blog and rss directories that your blog is updated or created (currently over 40+ services). And it only takes less than 30 seconds to do this with our blog ping tool which is completely free and easy. Works for any type of blog or site. 40+ services will be notified, including Google Blog Search, Google FeedBurner, Pingomatic, Weblogs.com, NewsGator, Yahoo!, Weblogalot and many others.


beruntung lah orang-orang yang berkunjung ke blog ini..wkwkw ( lebay dikit)..
kmrn saya lagi jalan-jalan nemu web untuk  BACKLINK gratis dan lumayan banyak juga 75K atau sekitar 75000 tadi nya tuh berbayar g tau napa sekrng jadi grtais apa karna g laku atau apa..??
tapi g apa2 justru menguntungkan buat ane selaku bloger yang selalu mencari gretongan..:)
langung aja dah klik link nya di sini kalau udah nanti tinggal masukin link web sobat dan klik submit tunggu sampe proses selesai...

sekian dan terimakasih semoga membantu...

Traffic Travis PRO 4.1 gratis

kalai ini saya akan share cara mendapatkan softwrae Traffic Travis PRO 4.1 secara gratis.Langsung aja tanpa basa basi..

1. anda register di mari
2. buka email anda yang di daftarkan barusan untuk verifikasi.
3. buka link ini klik dimari.
4. masukan nama dan email yang tadi di daftarkan jika berhasil tampilan nya akan seperti ini
5. save code dan download softwraenya.

selamat anda sudah mendapatkan Traffic Travis PRO 4.1 secara gratis..
jika anda membeli harga nya cukup mahal sekitar  $97 wew mending kasih ke ane aja hahha...
sekian dan terimakasih semoga membantu.

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

rProfits Investasi Online modal gratis $10

Apa Itu rProfits?
rProfits adalah bisnis yang menawarkan investasi yang aman dan menguntungkan untuk semua kelas investor, dengan garansi pengembalian 2,9%-35% perhari selama 70 hari. Keunikan dari penawaran rProfits adalah jumlah Paket yang ditawarkan berkisar antara $25-$100.000 (saat ini investasi dapat dibuka dengan hanya $1 saja) dimana Investor dapat memantau perkembangan Investasi mereka melalui laporan harian dan Grafik Perkembangan Investasi.Hampir sama dengan JSSTripler, program investasi rProfits juga memberikan banyak keuntungan, bahkan besarnya prosentase keuntungan melebihi JSS Tripler yaitu sebesar 3,5% dari nominal investasi anda.
Sistemnya juga mirip JSS Tripler, dimana agan gratis mendaftar disana, lalu agan akan langsung mendapatkan modal $ 10. Setelah itu nanti setiap hari agan akan mendapat penghasilan 3.5% dari $ 10 modal awal agan tersebut.Apa Itu rProfits?
rProfits adalah bisnis yang menawarkan investasi yang aman dan menguntungkan untuk semua kelas investor, dengan garansi pengembalian 2,9%-35% perhari selama 70 hari. Keunikan dari penawaran rProfits adalah jumlah Paket yang ditawarkan berkisar antara $25-$100.000 (saat ini investasi dapat dibuka dengan hanya $1 saja) dimana Investor dapat memantau perkembangan Investasi mereka melalui laporan harian dan Grafik Perkembangan Investasi.Hampir sama dengan JSSTripler, program investasi rProfits juga memberikan banyak keuntungan, bahkan besarnya prosentase keuntungan melebihi JSS Tripler yaitu sebesar 3,5% dari nominal investasi anda.
Sistemnya juga mirip JSS Tripler, dimana agan gratis mendaftar disana, lalu agan akan langsung mendapatkan modal $ 10. Setelah itu nanti setiap hari agan akan mendapat penghasilan 3.5% dari $ 10 modal awal agan tersebut.
Mengapa Join rProfits?
1. Bonus daftar $10
Di rProfits agan diberi modal awal sebesar $10
2. Keuntungan 2.9%-3.5%
rProfits menawarkan jaminan keuntungan antara 2.9% – 3.5% perhari (khusus untuk deposit bukan dari bonus signup) dan anda dapat memulainya dengan $10 gratis hanya dengan mendaftar dan bergabung di rProfits.
3. Uang bisa ditarik kapanpun
Tidak ada batasan waktu uang anda untuk diinvestkan disini, Anda butuh uang? Kapanpun anda bisa segera me withdraw uang tersebut untuk dicairkan.
4. Perusahaannya sudah terdaftar
rProfits merupakan perusahaan yang terdaftar secara resmi di Englan and Wales atas nama Profitors Investment Corp Limited dengan nomor perusahaan 7944043 (anda dapat memeriksa di companion house untuk memverifikasi kebenarannya).
5. Asuransi klien
rProfits memberikan perlindungan asuransi yang dibutuhkan kepada klien sehingga terhindar dari resiko dan kerugian.
6. Memberikan kontrak langsung
rProfits memberikan Kontrak langsung yang ditandatangani dengan perusahaan untuk investasi $4000 keatas.
7 .Pelayanan admin dan manajemen yang professional
Setiap hari selama 24 jam selalu ada admin yang standby di chat dan chat pun dipenuhi 100-an lebih orang dari berbagai negara.
bukti pembayaran dari rprofits

Masih memberikan bonus $10...profit langsung bisa di WITHDRAW secara
instan...tidak perlu deposit sudah menghasilkan dollar..
Daftar Dapat Bonus $10 tiap hari dapat gratis $0.07 Bisa di WD dan Langsung Masuk Instan.

www.info-fullsoftware.com hanya merupakan sebuah website support para member yang bergabung di website resmi rprofits, semua kebijakan baik system maupun finansial selalu mengacu pada kebijakan dan ketentuan dari website rprofits.com tersebut.
Copyright © 2012  info-fullsoftware.com . All Rights Reserved.

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012


Everyone likes free money!

Yes, we do, especially in these days of hard economic times.  Many have been hit hard through job loss and economic downturns all over the world. Most are not looking for a hand out, but a hand up.
Well, you are in a good place, because I want to tell you about a company that will allow you to build real passive income to the tune of 2% per day increase on any money you invest.
The company is called Just Been Paid and we are so sure you are going to love us and want to be with us that we are willing to put our money where our mouth is and let you take us for a test drive to see for yourself that the program works as described.

Here’s what you receive when you join Just Been Paid – free money!

That’s right, when you sign up, you will receive $10 deposited into your account which you can use to purchase a JSS-Tripler.  Then you will be able to watch your investment grow by 2% each day.
I know, I was skeptical when I first joined some time ago.  I invested a little bit of money and then watched my account and it grew consistently EVERY day.  I was impressed and excited with it.  You can take your earnings out anytime you wish, but I decided to reinvest my earnings.
Now, I didn’t get the free money when I joined, so this is something new being offered by the company.  This is your chance to get in while the gettin’s good!  You don’t want to pass this one up.  Offers of free money don’t come along every day, so I would encourage you to take action today.

The training and resources provided are incredible and literally, the sky is the limit as far as how much you can make through Just Been Paid. There are people making some amazing incomes, but everyone starts at the same place – the beginning.
At a time when many are struggling, this can be the breakthrough you’ve been searching for, and there’s no better time than the present to check it out, because of this amazing offer – free money.
Go ahead and take it for a test drive!  Within a few days of seeing your investment grow by 2%, you will have one of those eye-opening moments and you will realize that you now have in your hands a potential big money-maker.
Take the offer!  You’ll be glad you did.
Go ahead and CLICK HERE Get your free money today!

Just Been Paid … an idea whose time has come … free money on signup!

JustBeenPaid scam? The truth behind Jss Tripler

Is there a Just Been Paid scam?

Confused? Let me explain.
My research on this program brought me to 2 main conclusions: 1. Just Been Paid, like all the similar programs, will run out of money eventually and won’t be able to pay its customers anymore. When that will happen, the program will crash with the people’s cash in it. But, from my estimations it will only happen after 2017, at least.
2. My second conclusion is: JustBeenPaid is legit and paying people huge amounts of earnings for 2 years now, and will continue doing so until the program will crash, Until 2017 at least.

So when will JustBeenPaid crash?
From the vast research I made I assume that JustBeenPaid will crash in 5 to 7 years from now. Meaning Just been paid will continue paying people money until at least 2017. So there is a lot of money yet to be made with JustBeenPaid.
Luckily, I am ranked 2nd in the search engines for JustBeenPaid. So If Just Been Paid will start declining, I will notice it and will warn all my followers.

How did I reach my conclusions? This is the huge research I made on-line before I joined Just Been Paid:

1.In my research I checked reviews of the program in forums and “anti-scam sites” and they all gave a good review telling that this program is legit.
2.I made a full background check on Frederick Mann (the founder of the program) – which is a professional Internet marketer and investor. that wrote a few books on this field(his books are selling on Amazon).
3. I checked to make sure that this is a real company. It is a registered company.
4. I checked with several friends I have which are using www.JustBeenPaid.com, already withdrew money and earned cash from JustBeenPaid.com.
5. I read a lot of blog posts on JustBeenPaid and they all said that Jss Tripler is not a scam.
6. Just Been Paid has a registered patent in the united states.
6. I checked the traffic ranking and the amount of visitors their site is getting. They already passed all the previous similar programs and ranked 250 in alexa! which makes it the biggest program in the world of its kind!
So all my research made me come to a conclusion that there is no Jss Tripler scam.

These are the traffic stats of JustBeenPaid as seen in Alexa and Quantcast:

As you can see, this program is constantly growing since it was opened.

Do you have to invest money in order to earn using JustBeenPaid?
No, every member on Just Been Paid receives free 10 USD when opening an account. No credit card needed! Just email.
Do you have to refer people to earn money with JustBeenPaid?
No, You will get paid no matter what. No referrals needed.
If you will have referrals, you will earn more. But, you don’t have to.
What makes JustBeenPaid survive longer than other similar programs?
There are several reasons that make this program more sustainable:
  1. Just Been Paid was founded with a solution to every problem the rest of the programs had. The founder of this program is so sure of his program that he offers ONE MILLION DOLLAR to anyone who will find a weakness in JustBeenPaid.
  2. With the new money the program gets – it pays other members.
  3. JustBeenPaid is continuously growing. By 4000 new members every day!(and growing!)     So the program gets more and more money every day! Which the program can give to its members.
  4. This program is placed 300 in the amount of monthly visitors out of all the websites in the world. And growing. This is the highest rank this kind of program ever got!
  5. The founder – Frederick Mann is the owner of a lot of different programs, so all of his programs support each other. Making them all – more sustainable.
  6. This program has a “restart” feature which gives it more cash when it needs. The “restart” feature turns some of your Jss-Tripler positions into “Jss positions”. The restart feature gives the program more money to pay its members right now, but actually increases your profits in the long term.
  7. The synergy surf program earns a lot of money from advertisers and this is used to pay the members of JustBeenPaid. the money is earned using a traffic exchange system.
Can I earn some money before the program will crash?

Yes! A lot of money. Just been paid has a calculator on its site to show you how much cash you can earn. I started with 1000 Dollar 1 year ago. And now my account is paying 1000 U.S dollars every day! I withdraw 10,000 USD every month.

How does Just Been Paid and Jss Tripler work?

Just Been Paid is composed out of 3 main programs.
  1. The main and top earning program is called Jss Tripler – this program gives you 2% earnings daily on every position you buy for 75 days. Every position cost 10 Dollar. For example: let’s say you buy 5 positions for 50 Dollar. You will get 1 Dollar(2% out of 50) every day for 75 days. In sum, in 75 days you will get 75 Dollar. Meaning you earned 25 Dollar in 75 days. 25 Dollar are 50% of your investment!
    ** You can earn even more by reinvesting every money you get daily. It is called compounding. **
    But, that’s not all! After the first 75 days, your “Jss-Tripler” positions become “expired” and for every 4 expired positions you will get one position called: “Jss position”, Every Jss position worth 60 U.S Dollar.
    So actually you get another 15 US Dollar for every position you own. So in sum – you buy every position for 10 USD and get paid 30 USD for every position.
  2. Another program is Jss synergy surf. Using Jss synergy surf you get paid a lot of money for watching ads and visiting sponsored websites.
  3. “Jss position” – as mentioned on the 1st section of this paragraph for every 4 expired “tripler positions” you get a “Jss positions” which worth 60 U.S Dollar. You can also buy a “Jss position” for 20 USD.
My personal experience with JustBeenPaid

I was suggested to invest in JustBeenPaid from a close friend, Being so afraid of a Just Been Paid scam It took me 3 months of research until I was convinced and got inside the program.
During these 3 months, my friend has earned a lot of money. so obviously I am very disappointed I didn’t act fast enough. :-/
But now, after a year, I am thankful to my friend for helping me earn so much money.

Which payment processors can be used with JustBeenPaid?

JustBeenPaid will never have your credit card’s details as they don’t accept payment directly. You must deposit money to Jss Tripler using a 3rd party payment processor. This keeps you safe from a credit card fraud.
There are 4 payment processors that  this program work with: Solidtrustpay, Alert pay/Payza, Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money. After I made my research, I decided to use two of them:

  1. Solid Trust Pay – This is my favorite one. It accepts all credit cards and other payment methods like: wire transfer. and above all it has the lowest fees.
  2. Alert Pay – It’s JustBeenPaid’s first payment processor. It is very trustworthy, fast and support a numerous payment methods.
Payment proof from just been paid
These is a screen shot of an actual payment I got from JustBeenPaid. This screen shot proves that they are legit and paying.
How to earn the maximum amount of money using Just been paid?

This is a complicated program and it takes some time to learn the right money management. To earn the maximum you should follow the next steps:

  1. Invest at least 500 USD in Jss Tripler – It will give you 10 USD every day, 10 USD equals a position. This will guarantee you a fast growth.
  2. Invest any daily earnings you get in buying more Jss Tripler positions. after 50 days you will be able to withdraw your 500 USD back. And continue earning a lot of cash. Risk free.
  3. After 75 days you will start getting Jss positions for every 4 expired “Jss Tripler” positions. Every Jss position will earn you 60 USD. Jss will earn you another 150% of your investment.
  4. If you will reinvest your earnings in Jss Tripler, after 6 months, you will have 500 Jss Tripler positions that will worth 5000 USD. and you will own a lot more money in Jss positions.
 As a conclusion, There is NO JustBeenPaid scam! This program pays a lot of money to people and will continue paying until at least 2017! Jss Tripler can earn you 1000 percent of your money in only 6 months. Please don’t make the same mistake I did.  Start earning money right now, like I do.        I hope my site helped you. And I hope you will earn a lot of money with Just been paid! Please feel free to contact me with any question you have at:Contact. I am more than happy to help you.

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Cara setting yahoo domain ke blogspot

Kali ini saya akan menulis sedikit tip setting domain yang dibeli dari yahoo ke blogspot.

1. Buka yahoo smallbuiness dan login ke cpanel domain anda. "smallbusiness.yahoo.com" - "Manage Advanced DNS Setting"
2. Yang harus anda lakukan adalah menambah A Record seperti dibawah ini :

A Record website-anda-tanpa-www
A Record website-anda-tanpa-www
A Record website-anda-tanpa-www
A Record website-anda-tanpa-www

Caranya menambah : klik Add Record - di kolom Source kosongkan - isikan ip keempat tadi ke kolom Destination - klik Submit. Ulangi sampai keempat diatas sudah anda isikan semua.
Biasanya ada "A Record" bawa'an yahoo dengan Destination : Yahoo! Hostname. Itu dihapus saja, atau kalau tidak ya diganti saja dengan ip salah satu diatas tadi. Ingat, yang "A Record" saja, untuk "CNAME Record" jangan diotak-atik.

3.Menambah CNAME Record seperti dibawah ini :
CNAME Record website-anda-dengan-www ghs.google.com
Caranya menambah : klik Add Record - di kolom Source isikan "www" tanpa tanda kutip - kemudian kolom Destination diisi "ghs.google.com" tanpa tanda kutip - klik Submit.

Sekarang setting domain yahoo sudah selesai. Tinggal anda men-setting yang ada di blogspot.

1. Pilih tab Pengaturan - Publikasikan - arahkan pada "Domain Anda" kemudian masukan nama domain. contoh : www.web-anda.com (ingat, disini harus mencantumkan "www") - kemudian save/simpan.
2. Masih satu lagi tugas anda, yaitu memberi tanda centang pada pilihan dibawah kolom isian tadi "Mengarahkan "web-anda.com" ke "www.web-anda.com". Ini fungsinya biar yang mau mampir ke website anda itu tidak perlu ngetik "www" tiap kali ngisi kolom addres.

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